Welcome to Inking It Up Crazy and the Post-it Blog Hop! If you've come from visiting ERIKA at (http://www.cricutlove1.blogspot.com),
you're in the right place! If you've just happened across my blog and would like to play along with
our fun hop, you can go to
Crazy About Cricut (http://www.crazyaboutcricut.blogspot.com)
and start at the beginning. The theme of this blog hop is Post-it Craft Paper. Each blog has created a project centered around this awesome paper. Be sure to visit each blog for inspiration and fun BLOG CANDY!

* Since the theme of Crazy About Cricut design team is centered around families, I thought what would be a fun project to do with kids using post-it craft paper? A fun idea popped into me head! How about letting children design and make their own birthday invitations! With Post -it Craft paper you don't need any messy glues and the paper is repositionable. It make crafting with kids a lot more fun! Great for little kids and cricut cutouts- easy for them to line up and adjust. Kids will have a ball using Post-it Craft Paper! BLOG CANDY!
I am giving away this fun POST- IT NOTE HOLDER!
All you have to do is Leave me a Comment to be entered!
I hope you enjoyed my project! Now head on over to SHARON at (http://www.simplysweetbysharon.blogspot.com) to see her amazing project! Here's the lineup in case you get lost or need to stop along the way:
Cheryl = http://cardsbycg.blogspot.com/
Christel = http://onescrappinsista.blogspot.com/
Erika = http://cricutlove1.blogspot.com/
Kassidy = http://www.inkingitupcrazy.blogspot.com/ (thats Me)